Vandaag wereldwijde staking voor vrijheid!


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    • #3629
      Mirjam Schouten

        Vandaag wereldwijde staking voor vrijheid! Iedereen loopt vandaag het kantoor of de fabriek uit. De actie voor vrijheid heet World Wide Walk out. Coercive mandates of shoddily tested medical products and segregationist passports violate international human rights law. We need brave citizens to peacefully refuse to comply with unlawful and unethical edicts that for the past year-and-a-half have been allowed to trump individual rights and freedoms. Those days are over. There will be no business as usual until segregationist and coercive medical policies advanced by government authorities end once and for all. Please join us to walk out on these insane, discriminatory policies. The time is now to stop this progression toward a totalitarian surveillance state. If you recognize the importance of human freedom, the time is now to take action!

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